March 7, 2012

Pinspire and an update.

Here a few little things I have been loving on Pinterest.

These Shoes.
Spaces with color.
For Isaac.
This food

An update.
For the past week I have been having the roughest nights of sleep, ever! For some reason when I put isaac down for bed he can't get comfortable, I'm not sure why but he sleep crawls and will continuously do this for about an hour and a half. I try having him sleep on my chest and he instantly clings to me and passes out and leaves me wide awake. I feel bad that he is having a hard time so I have tried baby massage and doing bath time with no toys before bed. Neither have worked so I'm hoping this is just a phase! Cross your fingers for me or I'm going to be a zombie for awhile.
 Eating gluten-free is so expensive, I decided yesterday to stop. :/ I wasn't so sure how I felt about this yesterday but after going grocery shopping and seeing our bill cut nearly in half I now feel way better about it! I also know I didn't stick to it for too long but I never actually felt any different after going gluten-free, I don't think I will be trying it out in the near future either. Maybe a few recipes here and there but I don't think its the right way to go for my family and I.
 As far as the beginning of March goes I can't believe that in only a few short weeks I will be celebrating with Isaac and my family for his first birthday! We have been doing some fun stuff for his party such as making some bunting and figuring out what his cake will be. Im so excited to watch Isaac dig into his cake for the first time! Also we can not wait to see my parents and my brothers, it has been 3 months since we have seen them. Gosh I get all jittery typing this and thinking about it. Cannot wait until the 24th! 
Happy Wednesday


  1. I've wanted to eat more organic foods with my family but I'm in the same boat- the grocery bill is just too much at times. I hope you get some good sleep and so does Isaac soon!

    1. Yes food adds up! I buy organic for almost everything but its so hard to add in gluten free, it is way too expensive! Thank you I hope we do too, I just noticed he has 4 molars coming in today! Top and bottom so I'm thinking that might be the reason why!

  2. love this. I am just eating your blog up.
