March 2, 2012

Picture My Day.

Picture this.
I bought an umbrella.
We took the bus for the first time here in Bellingham today.
Isaac people watched on the bus.
The rain was pouring.
We went and listened to music at Everyday Music.
Isaac Loves listening to music in headphones.
Fleet Foxes is his favorite.
Fiamma burger was on my mind.
Veggie burger and sweet potato fries.
We window watched for awhile.
Waited for a bus in the rain.
A sweet sleepy boy passed out in my lap on the way home.
Now he is napping away.


  1. Adorable ♥ What a fun adventure!

  2. What a fun day. I was actually born in Bellingham. Although, we now live on the opposite side of the country in Ga. :)

    1. Really? That's awesome Bellingham is a beautiful place!

  3. Hey, Breanna!
    Just stumbled on your blog, and so glad I did. I'm now your newest fan and follower. :)


  4. I assume this is Bellingham, WA? We ended up there on a trip to Anacortes last spring and loved it! I eat gluten-free and got super sick at a Thai restaurant, but otherwise it was really cool and I loved the vibe. We even opted to skip Seattle and spend a second day in Bellingham :) Love your photos, looks like a lovely day indeed :)

    1. Yes! It is a beautiful place, Seattle is amazing as well! We love driving down there when we can. :)
