October 21, 2011

Quote For The Day, this Ones For My lil boy

“You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting Someday.”
- J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Twig Art

This is a great and cheap way to add something unique and handmade to any space that needs some color!
It took me about an hour to make and all I had to do was walk outside and find a branch and use any left over craft supplies and paints I had, so worth it :)
What You Will Need
  •  ABranch any shape or size will work
  • Paints ( mine I paid 59 cents a bottle)
  • Old lace ribbon
  • Suede string
  • Broken necklace strands
  • Hemp cord
  • Yarn
  • Or anything you think would be fun to add
  1. First paint wherever on the branch you would like
  2. LET PAINT DRY this is important because if not the paint will get on you or any of the other added decor
  3. Twirl ribbons, yarn, lace or necklace strands where desired
  4. Then your done! This looks great either in a vase or pot as shown above or hung on your wall!
  5. ENJOY! :)

October 20, 2011

Quote for Today.

I guess what is bothering me today is the lack of authentic beings. So many are striving to be different or stand out, but end up turning artificial, or watered down. What happened to being geniune? Or were there ever really genuine people? Good question. I find myself living in a world of confusion with too many standards. expectation is a key word that lies within lives of many, my generation is so infatuated with themselves I wonder if we will ever see a change for the better. Im sure there are many people such as myself that wish there was something we could do about this silent epedemic. This Should probably be quote of our lifetime.

October 19, 2011

Indian Summer Safety Pin Bracelet.

  • Safety pins all in the same size
  • beads of choice (preferably small)
  • hemp cord
  • necklace clasp
  1. Open the safety pin up and place beads in desired pattern then secure closed.
  2. Repeat with all the pins you would need to fit around wrist.
  3. Next loop the pins at the top hole through hemp cord, Then using the same end repeat by pulling through the bottom hole.
  4. Once you have done this you make a simple wrap around knot and add one clasp to the end.
  5. You will then do the same with the opposite side of the bracelet but you will not need to tie a knot because this side will have already been connected.
  6. Now You will have a beautiful Navajo inspired bracelet! :)